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February, 2008 Exhibit:

Highwire Gallery presents

Marge Peterson: A Celebration of Life and Art

A Selection of Marge's work interspersed with art created by friends in celebration of her spirit

February 1 - 24, 2008
Reception: Fri., Feb 1st, 5 - 9 pm
Hours: Thu 12 - 4 pm, Fri 3 - 7 pm, Sat & Sun 12 - 5 pm

Marge Peterson has been a loyal member of Highwire since 1994. She came to the art world later in life - after marrying and raising a family. She studied painting at Moravian College in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, and developed an enthusiasm for abstraction. Marge painted consistently and consumately, exhibiting her work from the mid 1970's right up to her last days in November, 2007. She is missed dearly by her colleagues and friends. This exhibit is a collection of Marge's work spanning her career, interspersed with work by her friends.


Marge Peterson came to the art world later - while she was also busy being a wife and mother. She started to study painting at Moravian College in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, and quickly developed her skills and enthusiasm for the work.  Fellow artists have been heard to say they wish they had taken painting lessons from Marge, since she had a way of applying paint to canvas that was truly remarkable.

She was a loyal supporter of the Highwire Gallery for years, showing regularly both in group shows and one- or two-person shows in the various locales and serving as an officer with the group.

--George and Phebe Shinn

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