HIGHWIRED TV consists of several programs that are produced in and around the gallery and aired on cable channels in the Philadelphia area.

Highwired, the program, is a broadcast vehicle for the gallery members to share some of the processes inherent in the creation of their work. Episode One features members Joe Plageman, George Shinn and Peter Kinney. Episode Two features members from both the Highwire and the Philadelphia Sketch Club during a collaborative exhibit showing in both galleries. Future episodes are constantly evolving!

Risk Taking Type Music, is a musical program that documents the performances of a group of seven Philadelphia composers and their extended ensembles. The performances take place in the gallery and are excellent opportunities to glimpse the artistic process of musical composition in both experimental new works and entertaining "Risk Taking" performances.

The Sonic Sculpture Series, is another musical perormance series that benefits from taking place in the gallery setting. For the purposes of sonic isolation and audience appreciation, a large, open area, without the noise and crowding of a club or concert venue is appreciated by the musicians and tends to elicit special performances, especially on certain evenings accompanying the full moon.

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